Wednesday 1 June 2011

Introducing my grandson James

My grandson James was born on the 8th April. He has bought great joy into our lives and he is only 8 weeks old. I attach a photo of a special rug I embroidered for his cot and also a photo of David and I with James when he was only an hour old. 

1 comment:

  1. I can see how happy you both are after James' birth!! Do you have any other grandbabies. We moved towns so we could be around for support and help (mum is working again). Our two are Bianka aged 3 and Korban aged 2. We waited (it seemed like half a lifetime) and waited for little Bianka, and then 13 months later little Korban arrived. We are fortunate to have a lot of contact with them both - and of course we love them dearly. Just wait until James is old enough to say "I love you Nan or Granny" or whatever.

